Competitor of Airbus and Boeing will appear in China

Competitor of Airbus and Boeing will appear in China

The Chinese state-owned company COMAC (Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China) has created a medium-haul passenger liner C919, which will be able to compete with the Airbus A-320 and Boeing-737 models.

According to the head of the Airbus aircraft concern, China "will need a lot of time to increase the pace of production, to prove the reliability of the aircraft in order to be one of the three players with the significant dominance of Boeing and Airbus today." At the same time, the huge domestic market of China remains a risk for competitors, providing a large number of orders for the C919.

It is clarified that COMAC has completed certification flights of the C919, designed to carry 168 passengers over a distance of more than 5,500 km.

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